Owning A big car is a status symbol for a lot of people. But is that a wise decision. In today's world of shrinking resources we should move towards new type of fuel alternatives. Owning a small car will be more wiser it will reduce the fuel consumption as well as your money and on the other side it will also reduce the pollution in our environment..
An electric car is the best alternative or we can say an answer towards the rising pollution levels and reducing the consumption of limited amount of resources.
The REVA is a battery electric vehicle designed for low speed, congested urban roads. The REVA is a two-door hatchback, which can comfortably seat two adults and two minors, most ideal for an average indian nuclear family.The REVA runs on batteries, and as opposed to other electric vehicles, has an onboard charger to facilitate easy charging. Charging the car is thus, as simple as charging a mobile phone.